[–]IndepenguinGames 10 points  
I'm not sure if you wanted the game to look minimalistic, but it's very aesthetically pleasing.

[–]spudmastaflash 9 points  
Hey this looks really good. I really like how solid the gun fire, impacts, and movement looks. Great job!

[–]Burchmore500[S] 3 points  
And I'm very sorry if you hate the music. I meant to disable it before I recorded but I forgot :(

[–]Dr_Sandvich 3 points  
Very nice, UCA?

[–]Burchmore500[S] 3 points  
YES! Do you go to UCA???

[–]Dr_Sandvich 2 points  
Hell yeah man, first year CGA, I recognized the game from in class haha, this is a third year project I assume?

[–]Burchmore500[S] 2 points  
No I'm in year 2. Dunno if you've seen me but I'm the guy with extremely long hair and generally very homeless looking
Geez what a small world.

[–]Dr_Sandvich 1 point  
Tell me about it man, I had to do a double take when I saw the post haha. PM me and I'll hit you up on Facebook.

[–]Burchmore500[S] 1 point  
God I can't find where to send a private message on Reddit. My name's George Burchmore anyway, though I don't use Facebook much anymore. I'm on one of the UCA CGA groups

[–]smileymaster 2 points  
for future reference, you can click a users name to take you to their profile, then under their karma amount theres a small line of text that says "Send private message"

[–]orieus 2 points  
I actually like the music, what is it? :D Awesome job on the game too

[–]Burchmore500[S] 4 points  
I was trying to find a song that was similar to the music in Quake 2, since I was trying to copy that style of fast gameplay.

[–]dataelProfessional 3 points  
I couldn't see the video because it's been blocked (I assume because of the music) but seeing someone talking about the music from Quake 2 really takes me back. I used to love listening to Sonic Mayhem after hearing about him through looking up Q2's music.

[–]Legorobotdudewww.adityabawankule.me 3 points  
Amazing work, any chance of a playable demo? Gameplay looks very fluid, I love it.

[–]Burchmore500[S] 4 points  
I'd love to give out a demo but I don't know if we're allowed, since it's all made with student licenses and has copyrighted music (which I don't even know if we can keep, even for student work).
But if we can, I definitely will!

[–]WildbookHobbyist 2 points  
I wouldn't mind a PM if you ever release a demo. It looks really fun and everything fits together, making it look visually pleasing too.
May I ask how long it took you to from start to now?

[–]Burchmore500[S] 3 points  
We started on Jan 5th, but I spent about a week over our Christmas break figuring out the basic movement, shooting mechanics and simple enemies.
Here is a video of the very early prototype I had made (The Thompson model was from a friend's previous assignment that I used as placeholder): https://vimeo.com/148901425
Here is a OneDrive link to a recent build (I don't know if that'l work): https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=6A946BD1C5361085!1508&authkey=!ADvoN4LkXFuNYiQ&ithint=file%2czip
It's around 200mb which is pretty big for what it is. And bear in mind.... there are things that need fixing. For example, You can grenade jump out of the map and fall forever as there's no collider on the roof.
It's normal pc shooter controls (WASD move, SPACE Jump, SHIFT Sprint, R Reload), but Right Click is grenade (for which there is no animation yet), and press M for the song to play.
Edit: Also, if you do play it, could you tell me how well it runs? Thanks!

[–]WildbookHobbyist 2 points  
I have to say, it's pretty addictive and I really like how it feels to play. AI is also pretty solid from what I saw, not too weak and not strong enough to feel "impossible" to kill or sneak up on. I saw your other comment about it being Artificial Unintelligence, but honestly, it feels like it works good enough to use for a game like this. Sure, an AI upgrade would probably make things a bit better, but as a player I have no problem with it as it is right now.
(My regular FPS counter program thingy refused to show up, so this is based on experience only.)

Using a PC with a GTX 970 (GPU) and a FX-6300 (CPU) at 1920x1080, playing for ~2-3 minutes each time:
  • Fastest: No problems at all.
  • Fast: No problems at all, everything still felt fluid and nice.
  • Simple: Still no problems at all.
  • Good: Still no problems at all.
  • Beautiful: Chopped once or twice in 2-3 minutes, still fully playable. I would not notice if I wasn't looking for it.
  • Fantastic: Pretty much same as beautiful. Noticed "lag" for the first time though, which is not a plus :(
  • FantasticNoVsync: Similar to "Fantastic". I tried it twice and the first time I tried it, it felt about the same as "Fantastic". Second time I tried it I noticed lag when firing, getting fired at or while moving/spinning quickly and such. Here's also the point where I started to feel that it become a bit harder to aim.
  • FantasticDoubleVsync: Shots (at least the sound) grouped together a bit, playing in bursts. It also became hard enough to aim under fire that I had to stop shooting while aiming to keep hitting like I did at previous settings. Still playable, but not enjoyable to the degree that I'd see myself keep playing if I had to use "FantasticDoubleVsync".

I don't think I missed anything, and I really enjoyed playing it. I also noticed that you had bound the mouse wheel to sprint, something I liked.
After playing for ~45 minutes total, I still like the game and I'm not in any way tired of the gameplay.
The only things I can come up with to complain about so far:
  • It felt a bit weird to me that I kept my movement-speed while shooting instead of slowing down, but I quickly got used to it.
  • I'd like to be able to shoot while sprinting but with lower accuracy as sprinting right now felt a bit interruptive and I didn't use it as much as I'd like to.
Both of these are however just personal opinion and overall, you made a game that was both visually pleasing and fun to the point where I'll probably play it again just because I liked it.

This is in no way a complete review or anything like that, but I didn't have anything better to do right now so I figured I might as well write a complete answer. :)
I'm going to sleep now, but if you have any other questions feel free to ask either here or in a PM and I'll try to answer them within 24h.

(Also, please, send me a PM with the last build when you stop working on it. I'd love to play it again when it's "finished".)

[–]Burchmore500[S] 2 points  
Thank you for that reply, I honestly really appreciate it. It's hard to get feedback like that. I will definitely send you a build when we're done.

[–]Nyefo 1 point  
I kept your movement-speed while shooting instead of slowing down
Wait so other games slow you down when you shoot? Huh weird.

[–]WildbookHobbyist 1 point  
I can't say for sure what game I got used to it in, but yeah, there's at least one game out there that does, and I remember that I really liked it. (It slowed you down just a little though, it was just noticeable and not in any way annoying for me)

[–]Fun-Psycho 2 points  
I think you can distribute, just can't have any way to make money on it.
Looks really good though :)

[–]LassieBeth 2 points  
Holy frig, this looks amazing, and the music that plays (even if unintentional) really fits the mood, and I love it!

[–]thisdudehenry 1 point  
amazing what parts were made or coded by you?

[–]Burchmore500[S] 3 points  
I coded everything and did the particle effects, UI art was done by someone else who also did our concept art, Environment art was done by another person and the gun was done by another person.

[–]thelovelamp 1 point  
I don't really care much for FPS's, but the visual style of your game is very, very pleasing. I really like how the UI jiggles as you move around, it feels very immersive.

[–]KptEmreUHobbyist 3 points  
Also sound is awesome. Music and gun feel very alive. Last bit to change is targets and it will transform into something beautiful with animations and ofc buy copyright for music (if it is licensed) and you will be out from GreenLight in no time.
Add multiplayer and you have 1 hell of a game (Though fast paced multiplayer is not something should be taken lightly :P )

[–]matej_zajacik 1 point  
Delighted to see another fast-paced shooter in the vein of Doom / Quake. The basics (movement and weapon) feel good already, judging by the video. What's the game going to be about? Is it single-player, multi-player, or what you show in the vid -- you vs waves?

[–]Burchmore500[S] 1 point  
For this demo it's just you vs waves. There honestly isn't really much to it, you just have to survive as long as possible. It would be pretty boring as an actual game since there aren't any weapons, enemy types or maps.
Our hand-in is in a week and a half, and after that I probably won't do anymore to it really. I want to start preparing for my final year game.

[–]ltethe 1 point  
I haven't done dos in a long time, but this feels a lot like quake.

[–]splatterghost 1 point  
Awesome job! Would you mind sharing some info on how you did the reticle bloom?

[–]Burchmore500[S] 2 points  
Essentially each reticle bit has a parent transform that is rotated on the z-axis 120 degrees from the previous reticle bit parent transform, and then the actual reticle bits move along their own y-axis based on a 'recoil' value in the gun.

[–]lorow22 1 point  
Man.. Please, tell me how did you manage to positions this gun xD I really need that, butI can't figure that out :/ Anyway, this game looks awesome! :D

[–]GrandLordFarday 1 point  
I'm not asking for your code, but how do you determine where the AI moves to? My enemy finite state machines are really giving me some trouble in calculating movements.

[–]Burchmore500[S] 2 points  
Yeah the hardest part I found was actually deciding where the enemy should go.
Basically there's a bunch of cover points around the map that raycast to the player to determine whether or not they are a 'good' or 'bad' cover point. They also raycast from a 'shoot from cover' point to determine whether or not the enemies can pop out and shoot the player from this point.
The enemies simply try to find the nearest 'good' cover point that they can shoot you from and that isn't currently in use by another enemy. If there are none, then they start moving to random 'non-cover' points on the map that they'll be able to shoot you from.
I call this my Artificial Unintelligence. It's also highly inefficient, but for the purposes of this game, all I really needed was moving targets that shoot you when they can see you.

[–]GrandLordFarday 1 point  
At the moment I'm using a lerp between the player's position and the nearest cover position, but I'll experiment with raycasts!

[–]Burchmore500[S] 1 point  
I should have also noted that I'm using Unity's NavMesh and NavMeshAgents for pathfinding.